Happy IWBD


23rd of April is a really special date. In 1616 both Cervantes and Shakespeare died even if, in reality, it wasn’t the same actual day. Spain and England were using different calendars at the time. But them dying at the same time sounds better and, you know, never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Also 23rd of April is St. Jordi’s day, when Catalans gift someone they love a book and a rose. It escapes me, though, how gifting a book and a rose relates to a knight slaying a dragon in Anatolia (or in Libya, depending of the version).

In any case, UNESCO decided to mark the 23rd of April as World Book day and that is good enough for me… Apparently not good enough for Irish people who celebrate World Book Day in Ireland in March. But again they count the 1st of February as the first day of Spring which kind of says it all.


So, to celebrate the actual International World Book Day, I would like to recommend you an amazing book.

It is written by Nobel Laureate Svetlana Alexievich who is also a journalist. She is known for creating historical narratives from witness accounts and this the first book she published. An eye opener and one of those books that, once you’ve read them, the world looks different and you are different too.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have loved it.


Interview in “The Gallery”


Wye Oak: Civilian